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Me Before You
Then Came You
Beauty and the Billionaire
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Think Like a Freak
The 5 Essential People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts
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Yes, You Can!: 1,200 Inspiring Ideas for Work, Home, and Happiness
Reflections Of A Man
Get the Life You Want
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The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
The Face
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

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Saturday 6 December 2014

Burst the Stress Bubble

5 ways to close the door to stress…

“Let’s be friends with stress” is easier said than done. In a life full of competition and expectation, stress is a part and parcel. Feeling jittery before a public appearance, being late for work, failing to meet deadlines, meeting new people and various other events which trigger our natural responses to fear or anxiety are generalized as normal stressful situations. These can be tackled with little effort by either diverting your focus or eliminating the root cause of stress through facing it. The stress in these situations is natural, transient and considered healthy. It motivates us to achieve certain things, improves our performance and increases our experience.  On the contrary, if the worry or stress is continuous over a period of time and does not show signs to vanish naturally, it becomes chronic and then the need to be friend with it kicks in. In this article you will learn how to cope and beat this permanent stress by following, adopting and making easier changes in your lifestyle.

1.    Organize Life, Manage Time

‘First thing first’ a famous line resolves many problems of unplanned routine. Line up your tasks according to priority, focus on important and urgent things, and maintain a to-do list. Time your tasks and try achieving them within that time.  Avoid procrastination it would create a pipeline of undone goals.

2.    Consume Healthy

It is said stomach is the second Brain. Balance your diet by including all the nutrition packaged in organic food. Plan out your meals and divide them in four to five bouts a day. Feast on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dry fruits, dairy and poultry, more protein and less carbohydrate. Keep your pace slow while you eat and keep space for air in your stomach. Drink a cup of herbal or green tea (decaffeinated) as a stress relieving supplement. Consume ample amount of water.

3.    Physical Activity

Walking off stress is the best way which is recognized globally by health experts. A brisk stroll in morning is regarded an unbeatable match to blow off stress. If not regularly, try making a routine of physical exertion span once or twice a week. Be active, don’t skip the chance when you can walk a distance to some place or take a flight of stairs.

4.    Relaxation Techniques

Relax and unnerve yourself by breathing control technique, yoga, meditation, massage, prayer, laughter, music and sleep.  Socialize and discuss your problems with your loved ones, friends and experts.  Allot some ‘me time’ in your daily schedule. Pursue a hobby/ interest or do volunteer work to motivate yourself and increase your worth. Go for shopping or sight seeing. Be close to nature, look and contemplate on the life existing around you. Help someone in need and spread love and peace.

5.    Optimism

Move ahead in life with positive attitude, explore your talents, challenge yourself and take risks. Remind yourself to smile often. Accept the things you can’t change and feel positive about them. Attract good thoughts and opinions and repel negativity. Practice optimism and neutrality in controversial situations. Avoid debate, argument and confrontation; solve problems rather by discussion with positive approach. Appreciate and reward yourself for achievements and be grateful for them.  

1 comment:

  1. Perfect & very practical thoughts. Being an Optimistic is a best key to deal with any difficult situation. Fantastic article Anum!
