My Read Bookshelf!

Anum's bookshelf: read

Warrior of the Light
Me Before You
Then Came You
Beauty and the Billionaire
The Governess Affair
Think Like a Freak
The 5 Essential People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts
On the Plus Side
Yes, You Can!: 1,200 Inspiring Ideas for Work, Home, and Happiness
Reflections Of A Man
Get the Life You Want
The Firm
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
The Face
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

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Friday, 30 March 2012

A Dangerous Inclination of Poking Nose…

If Aliens as scientists think they exist would ever by chance pay a visit to our planet, they would definitely keep it as short as possible, count days to their departure and pledge to never return again. Mind you, our Earth is beautiful and has a huge chest to accommodate anyone but the life form settled here a long time ago has some serious problems that even regarded as Homo sapiens, sometimes negate the rudimentary definition of being wise. Human beings are curious and nosy instinctively; born with this defect their overindulgence and intrusive disposition at times do much harm instead infusion of good in the life of the creature they are deeply in concern with. Their unwanted attention and eagerness to help vex the other party and worsen the situation more.

A lot of people don’t have enough capacity to tolerate such interference and at some point get frustrated and do something that is not within the boundaries of decency. Some people really mind their own business while there is a cluster that finds it fun to meddle in the life of others. Is it the feeling of importance that compels them to have a say in the matters of others or it’s just a juicy gossip for which it’s done or for the claim to know it first or for the sake of rumor circulation and entertaining circles to get the lead of the show, or for faking sympathy and show off a pseudo concern to the world, at any rate the motive behind is shrouded in mystery. It is noticeable when the worry is genuine but with a pretty face and sugar coated words the intentions are barely to deceive someone and detected right away at the moment of initiation.

We don’t realize how much pain it would cause to the other person and how bad one feels after being pointed out and confronted with the miseries or weaknesses that are beyond one’s control to fix or change. It’s not the script of some spicy soap airing on Television, its real life where it hurts when hit.
Any attempt of breaching someone’s privacy is an act of violation, could be judged as a potential threat and instigate prompt reaction. Often I have been a subject of questions that left me upset, shocked and irritated. The anxiousness of some people leaves me in wonder, who dares to demand such answers without taking privacy into account.  To my utter disappointment, I have my fair share of such encounters. It’s like every day that I experience a new drama on my table, dished out in a decorative way, hard to swallow and digest. A countless number of times I have been inquired about my prolonged stay at home and closing doors to work. And before I could gather thoughts to do justice with the question put forward, I am hurled at with another one of asking how I manage to stick long at home and not getting bored at the same time, and soon afterwards a storm, with unsolicited words directs towards me, of reconsidering this decision, of wasted my time, money and education, of blaming me for taking away someone’s place and comparing me with a guy who in my place would have conquered the world. The next stream of interrogation flows in when my single status comes under spotlight. In typical society, where I have been raised, every girl is born to get tied, since her childhood every penny is saved in paying for the dowry and throughout adolescence is fed with the garbage of tying knot as if it is the sole purpose of her existence, dreaded by the factor of age, appropriate suitors and sometimes under external pressure she is forced to sign such a bond, in a place like this it is deemed not less than a crime to be of 26 years and single. The punishment is to torture with troubling statements time and again, are you getting married, when you are about to take marriage seriously, It’s already too late and bunch of others followed by a series of unrequested advises.

 It’s out of comprehension when one is blessed in so many ways; indulge into affairs of prying, passing judgements and envying others. What’s easy to get for some is even hard to imagine for others but that makes life fair. We all have our equal share of ups and down, pleasure and pain, good and bad days. We don’t know what’s in store for us and when the tables turn? Then what is the bargain in criticizing and judging people if we stand on the same ground, share the same air, eat and excrete and entirely unaware of what future beholds. We have a common denominator of blessings received each day, differently and with an exception of timings, and yet man by nature is unthankful and greedy, compares and complains about whatever petty that lacks in his life. I am articulating my mind because I am bestowed with the power of sewing my thoughts into words and you with the courtesy of your vision and understanding of your brain are reading it with fluency. I and you are blessed but again in different arenas. There are so many things to be grateful for but why we keep pinpointing the one that is missing?
 So we need to see through this fact that we should let others live the way they want to, if we ourselves want to enjoy freedom…

I’ll end on this note…
"If God even judges a man at the end of his days how can you and I judge him during his days?" 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Leisure’s Pleasure...

“Leisure, a function of eternal ecstasy, a precious commodity…”

A time spent in doing something you love to do, is never lost, wasted and regretted, be it work or leisure. But the most perfect time investment is when, you love what you do and do what you love harmonize, when you feel delight in toil and find comfort in pain, a point where all ever wanted is achieved, a space inside is filled with bounty of joy, when canvas of life is painted with colors of choice, a purpose is perceived and the being is celebrated, such is the beauty of leisure.  You can love your work, but it’s always tiresome and boring to stick to a routine, to do a same job repeatedly, to meet with deadlines, to stress nerves with projects and progress. Although it’s where the energy lies that shakes you up vigorously, thoroughly, fulfills your carnal needs, but there are some desires, mysterious in peculiar ways yet sublime in bliss, reside somewhere in lanes of sub-consciousness. Sometimes realized and intentionally buried while on the other, doubted and ignored, eventually need to be attended and admitted, for the sake of sanity and serenity.

Work being a form of affection and satisfaction cannot alone do much good to anyone.  Despite being enjoyed, it has limitations of time, money and age. Talking in terms of age, you cannot work in the same place life long, neither your wants could meet with the monetary situation you are in nor the working hours could ever be enough for mental gratification and physical well-being. Even if you are still managing and getting fine along with it but your situation would better be sufficed by a word “workaholic” or on a much greater extent word “machine” would define you better. Consequently, you would get tired of running in an unending marathon of this robotic life with monotony at its peak, of waking up each day and performing the same ritual, where nerves are on the verge of dying from overwork and physical condition declining. Here comes the point, precisely the state when you shout at the top of your lungs that you need a break. Desperate to unleash, the inner person inside you, who longed for long to squander time in pursuing the aspirations of heart and mind, wants nothing but a recess from routine, to venture on a journey of self-contentment.

Once the reins are given in the hands of leisure, a getaway for rendezvous with long lasting elation becomes reality. It’s a cul-de-sac, realized right on the instant you step in, an obsession powerful than any addiction and a pursuit of exploring new panoramas of knowledge and learning blended with consistency and delight. The word leisure encompasses activities done for venting stress and drawing peace, which may include: reading, writing, cooking, painting, sports of any sort, pets, traveling, photography and gardening as highlighted and most common entries and the selection is entirely at the disposal of one’s choice.  Regardless of its kind, a recreation benefits an individual in innumerable ways; it helps managing stress by draining negative energies and contributes to relaxation, boost the self-esteem by refining social standing and recognition, inspires and motivates a sense of purpose and responsibilities towards life and society, strengthen social ties and interactions, provokes self-discovery, evaluation and development of positive outlook, learning and education through experiments, if adopted as a business braces financial status, provides better quality of life and alteration of perspective and exceptionally improves generalized health.

Leisure is as essential as any other necessity of life, a personal space and retreat for a troubled soul. In a fast paced and challenging world, where people lose track of their lives, leisure is the beacon that guides through the way. It is a benediction that presents itself in the garb of opportunity, and if grabbed at once drastically changes the life’s style for ever.