My Read Bookshelf!

Anum's bookshelf: read

Warrior of the Light
Me Before You
Then Came You
Beauty and the Billionaire
The Governess Affair
Think Like a Freak
The 5 Essential People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts
On the Plus Side
Yes, You Can!: 1,200 Inspiring Ideas for Work, Home, and Happiness
Reflections Of A Man
Get the Life You Want
The Firm
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
The Face
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

Anum's favorite books »

Monday, 2 November 2015

The Rocking Boat of 'Modern Romance'- A Review.

I finished the book 'Modern Romance' by renowned celebrity/stand-up comedian (which I now know he is), Aziz Ansari. I don't want to go into details about how Aziz collected his information and abridged it with spicy humor and dished-out in scrumptiously tantalizing way. It is enough to be said that this book will change your perspective about Romance these days and make you doubt your methods of acquiring it (if you are single and looking) and shake your ground with questioning your love and commitment theory (if you are hooked-up) and let you see that the conundrums that are faced in the path of finding that fulfilling love are universal.

The book presented the statistics about how technology has revolutionized the Modern Day Romancing. A couple of decades ago people were marrying the person living in neighborhood and relatives and friends. Now, with the interference of technology people are connecting and virtually dating with potential prospects sitting thousands of miles apart. There are zillions of options available with just a swipe. You can find anyone matching your criteria or even better someone who is your ideal. But everything has two sides and the bummer of this highly convenient method of finding your Mr/Miss Perfect is that you won't find any. It is because you become too picky and there is always a person whom you will like a fraction better than your current interest. That is quite disturbing, isn't it? but the more horrific news is that your expectations from your partner to be has reached unrealistic heights due to easily accessible attractions with abundance of features, but still you are looking for the best and never settling. Another dilemma, which is the predicament of Modern Romance is the split personalities, the divide between the text and real life personas. The text person takes some dumb move and the real person has to bear the consequences. Texts are misinterpreted and you lose your romantic interest which you thought was made for you. The most frustrating part of online dating is that people don't make it into your real life before they decide to leave. Clicking, Texting back and forth, found something disturbing/don't feel the connection, Silence and Boom. All your dreams of long lasting relationship in shards and its the end of world for you, at least for some time. This is a vicious cycle in the sphere of online dating. And so Aziz insisted that meet people in person before engaging in series of texting and be optimistic and more accommodating when knowing someone. Don't judge fast, give people chances and so maybe it work out in the end.

The Author then took the prevailing dissatisfaction in most pledged for life relationships under scrutiny and plunged into the crux of cheating, snooping and breaking up. He discovered that social media is the root of all evil. Partners cheat on because of readily yielding candidates (plenty of fish in virtual sea) who are seeking 'no strings attached' or 'friends with benefits' kind of relationships. Infidelity, nowadays has become a commonplace regardless how spitefully shunned by masses around the globe. He highlighted the human psyche to mistrust or suspect their mate and indulgence into snooping which most of the times ends up in splitting up and heartbreak. He brought into focus people being comfortable in queerly odd settings like married and in an open relationship which is quite new, surprising and maybe loathsome for other set of people who worship monogamy. 

The next and most important thing which everyone who believes in love and is tied with someone, has to see through is the two distinct love in long-term relationships. The passionate and the companionate love. Aziz gives beautiful analogy to understand and differentiate between the two. He says, “If passionate love is the coke of love, companionate love is like having a glass of wine or smoking a few hits of some mild weed.” What he implies is that in the beginning of any relationship there is budding passionate love which blossoms with time and withers away after a short span and then there is a plateau in relationship and the room for misgivings and doubts and there at this point a lot of people fall out of relationship but if the patience is adopted and the time is invested and love is nurtured then this love will evolve into companionate form which lasts forever.

There is more to this book than the points I highlighted. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to get his/her facts straight and up to date about Modern Day Romance with hilarious analogies, anecdotes and a glimpse of Aziz's relationships. This book is definitely a fun-filled real experience.

Saturday, 31 October 2015

My Favorite Quotes from Aziz Ansari's Book "Modern Romance"

There is a sudden season change in Karachi and I find it very pleasant. I was praying hard for winters after surviving heat waves in summers, the unexpected coolness settling in the city is quite cozy and welcoming. I love to spend winters indoors and with indoors I mean just lying in bed wrapped in sheets (its not that cold to call for a comforter), a nice book in hand (Romance Novel maybe to keep myself warm) and a hot cup of tea besides the bedpost. If I was living in a country where it snows in winter, I would love to have fireplace in my room and my bed stationed close to it and just above my bed a wide window to admire the falling snow, cherry trees and maybe occasional glimpses of birds and squirrels. This topic is not about winters and definitely not about the various pursuits of my wild imagination, it is about something I find somehow related to my life and worth penning down for future nostalgic moments.

I am reading Aziz Ansari's debut book "Modern Romance" and I wish he writes more as I find his writing crisp, fresh and very hilarious. He did consolidated research and even traveled far and wide to get his facts straight. The guy has energy! I have to give credit to him for that, I am amazed the book didn't get much appreciation from its readership. It was boring in the beginning but as I made progress I experienced that it is not a typical book, stating what is, in fact it is a book which is compiled after extensive footwork and huge feedback from the masses and with strokes of Author's fine humor (I loved it and laughed my lungs out!). I am still reading it and have to read over 100 pages to be done with the book in totality but I have resolved to write more often(as I lost touch) and not just stick with reading. I usually don't resort to writing reviews but this book is too thrilling to evoke a response in words. A review might be coming up in next blog post.

The quotes I loved are worth sharing, some are serious and others are hilarious but both are true concurrently.

This first quote shows how our ideals and expectations have changed about marriage, which were only financial security, child rearing, social standing and partnership a decade or two ago.

“Marriage was an economic institution in which you were given a partnership for life in terms of children and social status and succession and companionship. But now we want our partner to still give us all these things, but in addition I want you to be my best friend and my trusted confidant and my passionate lover to boot, and we live twice as long. So we come to one person, and we basically are asking them to give us what once an entire village used to provide: Give me belonging, give me identity, give me continuity, but give me transcendence and mystery and awe all in one. Give me comfort, give me edge. Give me novelty, give me familiarity. Give me predictability, give me surprise. And we think it’s a given, and toys and lingerie are going to save us with that. Ideally, though, we’re lucky, and we find our soul mate and enjoy that life-changing mother lode of happiness. But a soul mate is a very hard thing to find.”

Another with the same context.

“We want something that’s very passionate, or boiling, from the get-go. In the past, people weren’t looking for something boiling; they just needed some water. Once they found it and committed to a life together, they did their best to heat things up. Now, if things aren’t boiling, committing to marriage seems premature.” 

This one is just my thing. I feel so comfortable when texting and writing emails. I love to talk on phone but in real-time you get out of words and you have to keep a lot of things into consideration before letting words out of your mouth.

“Unlike phone calls, which bind two people in real-time conversations that require at least some shared interpretation of the situation, communication by text has no predetermined temporal sequencing and lots of room for ambiguity. Did I just use the phrase “predetermined temporal sequencing”? Fuck yeah, I did.”

The next one could melt a girl like me, provided that a guy has the nerve to quote it or something similar at the right moment!

“I hope you aren’t holding an ice cream cone against your chest, ’cause your heart just warmed—and your ice cream just melted.” 

The one I am going to share now is too hilarious but it is the plight of modern day relationships.

“Today we’ve become far more accepting of alternative lifestyles, and people move in and out of different situations: single with roommates, single and solo, single with partner, married, divorced, divorced and living with an iguana, remarried with iguana, then divorced with seven iguanas because your iguana obsession ruined your relationship, and, finally, single with six iguanas (Arturo was sadly run over by an ice cream truck).”

It is how they make you feel, how home-like they feel, the next quote is all about.

“When I've really been in love with someone, it's not because they looked a certain way or liked a certain TV show or a certain cuisine. It's more because when I watched a certain TV show or ate a certain cuisine with them, it was the most fun thing ever.” 

The down side of texting. Ah!! I went through this!!

“We repeatedly found that one text can change the whole dynamic of a budding relationship. ... When I spoke with Sherry Turkle about this, she said that texting, unlike an in-person conversation, is not a forgiving medium for mistakes. In a face-to-face conversation, people can read each other’s body language, facial expressions, and tones of voice. If you say something wrong, you have the cues to sense it and you have a moment to recover or rephrase before it makes a lasting impact. Even on the phone you can hear a change in someone’s voice or a pause to let you know how they are interpreting what you’ve said. In text, your mistake just sits there marinating on the other person’s screen, leaving a lasting record of your ineptitude and bozoness.”

And people can be anything on text, don't make impressions fast!

“As a medium, it’s safe to say, texting facilitates flakiness and rudeness and many other personality traits that would not be expressed in a phone call or an in-person interaction.” 

This quote! Thinking of that makes me high!

“If passionate love is the coke of love, companionate love is like having a glass of wine or smoking a few hits of some mild weed.” 

I am that girl on the other end. Oh! Correct grammar and unique vocab usage (Googling for meaning), that's my kind of guy! 

“We have two selves: a real-world self and a phone self, and the nonsense our phone selves do can make our real-world selves look like idiots. Our real-world selves and our phone selves go hand in hand. Act like a dummy with your phone self and send some thoughtless message full of spelling errors, and the real-world self will pay the price. The person on the other end sees no difference between your two selves. They never think, Oh, I’m sure he’s much more intelligent and thoughtful in person. This is just his “lazy phone persona.” 

If you are honest be ready to pay the price. I have always been judged for honesty but old habits die hard. Don't expect honesty from cheap people. Honesty and kindness are two secret ingredients for winning hearts. 

“Why do we all say we prefer honesty but rarely give that courtesy to others?”

This is some declaration. Carol would be too stunned to respond I am sure! You lucky girl!

“Carol, I can’t describe how you make me feel. Wait, no, I can—you make my mind release pleasure-inducing neurotransmitters and you’ve flooded my mind with dopamine. If the experience of snorting cocaine and getting so high out of my mind that I want to climb a telephone pole with my bare hands just to see if I can do it were a person, it would be you.” 

People are not products, look beyond beauty and your other filters. Treat them right and respect their individuality (even you don't like them). Its what someone is from the inside which would matter in the end. 

“Sheena Iyengar, a Columbia University professor who specializes in research on choice, put it to me another way: “People are not products,” she said bluntly. “But, essentially, when you say, ‘I want a guy that’s six foot tall and has blah, blah, blah characteristics,’ you’re treating a human being like one.” 

Just for laughs...

“If I ever was texting frequently with someone and wanted to make an alias, I think I'd go with "Scottie Pippin." Then my friends who were peeking at my screen could be left wondering why I was texting with the former Chicago Bull star on the reg.” 

“Bye.” [sad] Aron published another study, titled “Couples’ Shared Participation in Novel and Arousing Activities and Experienced Relationship Quality” (damn, dude, shorten the names of your studies!),” 

There are more but I am tired and this post has become too long and less engaging, so I am closing here.
I hope you enjoyed the quotes. 

Monday, 25 May 2015


I love to love and being loved. It gives me immense happiness and even the notion makes me giddy. I love listening I love yous when I know that are said with solemn sincerity. It happens more often with the kids I associate with. As kids are innocent and pure, they blurt out whatever comes to their minds without forethought and tell the naked facts and observations. They don't fake things like adults and that is the very reason I love their company. The little girls living next door are fairies or I compare them to butterflies; delicate and beautiful, spreading colors in other's lives. Whenever they see me they shout at the top of their voices 'Anum Baji' and then say 'Ap humaray ghar ayen na please'. I visit their house sometimes, I wish I could spend more time with them but adults have issues and I don't want to alienate my terms with their mother. I love kids and their beautiful thoughts, I love to give them surprises, they love eatables and I also happen to love those, so I throw them lavish parties with all you can eat menu and take away the rest offer. I love when they hug and kiss me unexpectedly, I crazily love surprises and no surprise can ever be bigger than a warm kiss and a tight hug. Today, the kids who come to my place for studies handed me a beautiful card which made my heart flutter with delight. Although, I don't teach them and more so I never interacted with them properly but they just gave me so much importance I don't know I deserve or not. I hugged them for their loving gesture. I will return this surprise with a big treat on my big day!

The card they made for me is attached here and I love to read it again and again, as it excites euphoria within me!

Monday, 11 May 2015

Of Ashes and Snow... #repost

Long ago, a barren land,
Alone with its infertile sand.

Unaware of the sight of greenery,
Barely knew what is serenity.

Never heard a chirp of bird,
Never seen a blossom of bud.

Heat, snow and rainfall,
Around these its world revolved.

Being used to same state,
Didn't allow a plant to tend its chest.

Tired of feelings hard to imagine,
To love and be loved by none, was the conviction.

But who knows the games fate plays,
That a small seed can change days.

A bloom grew into a forest of dove,
That my friend is the power of love. 

Promises of tomorrows in dreams of today,
A love so strong to rob all doubts away.

Every love had to give the test of time,
A storm smoothed the land with its chime,

Not long it took to draw back to sanity,
A bubble of illusion burst by reality.

Coming back to senses when it was recalled,
Happiness is short-lived, vows are void, they say all.

A dying hope of love to return,
Maybe tomorrow bring a different sun.

Days passed, months flied,
Hopes and wishes all died.

Summer came to burn it into ashes,
Winter arrived to freeze it with snow.

That barren land is a place in my heart,
Tell the untold tale of ashes and snow!

Saturday, 10 January 2015

The Happiest People's Equation...

Often in life, we fall in the pit of darkness created by our own minds which could be circumstantial or sometimes explicitly delusional. Regardless of the case, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, though that darkness is an abyss and like black hole it drains all the energies down the spiral but yet there is always a way out. Here in this piece I will reveal the escape from the trickery and cruelty of our desolated minds. I will impart my own lessons through observations which will break this vicious cycle of being unhappy and sad. Let’s embark on this journey to success together.
In my quest of discovering bliss in day to day life I encountered people of all sorts and among them I find those who are always happy, no matter what is happening in their lives. Curiosity is in my nature and deep down I had the same need to be happy so I allowed myself to observe them with closer proximity. Knowing them closely and analyzing their behaviors in every situation they come across and the struggles and steps they take to drive joy and peace in difficult times; I formulated an equation of happiness based on the psyche of the happiest people. I integrated everything I learned in a precise, easy to comprehend, point wise conclusion set, which I believe would benefit every individual in some way.

The happiest people are those who kill their Egos.

Ego is the prime instigator of pride, arrogance, vanity, obsession, anger and so on. Happiest people don’t have “I, me, mine and myself” in their dictionaries of life. They annihilate their egos by constantly reminding themselves that they are just a grain of sand in the entirety of this universe. They are humble in their treatment of others and consider their achievements as blessings bestowed by Higher Authority.They divert their focuses from inward to outwardly phenomenon and believe themselves as a commoner.

The happiest people take criticism, condemnation and hatred positively.

The most difficult thing is to absorb criticism and hatred that world throws at you but surprisingly it is an easy job for the happiest people as they already have crushed their Egos. Ego compels a person to retaliate, sometimes in the most inappropriate manner when charged with verbal assault. Absence of ego, keeps a person calm even in provocative situations. The happiest people are not consumed by the negativity of the world or conditions that shake their lives; instead they tackle everything with positive set of mind and turn the unfavorable situations into favorable ones.

The happiest people agree with others but never forsake their beliefs.

Arguments are the basis of discord and can ruin even the strongest of ties. The happiest people have the tendency to agree with everyone in good faith yet they hold onto their own beliefs firmly. They never impose their thinking on others rather they say “you go your way I go mine” and they articulate it with respect and love so that their intentions are not misinterpreted. They avoid confrontation usually and discuss instead of arguing and whenever during a discussion they sense it is getting heated, they drop it at once. Their main aim is the conservation of peace and harmony through words and actions and thus they never shrink to engage themselves with people coming from diverse backgrounds.

The happiest people believe that today is all they have.

Past is gone and with it all the moments, good or bad, that cannot be altered and changed. Future is an illusion; it has not yet arrived; worrying about both will rob the peace and richness of the now, this moment and this day. The happiest people are of the view that today is the day to live to the fullest. They don’t retrospect nor they prospect rather they seize the day and live for now. They live each moment as if it is their last. They give importance to tasks they are dealing or people they are handling in the present moment.

The happiest people improve the quality of their thoughts.

No one in this world is immune to miseries and tragedies that come along as a baggage of this life. The happiest people are those who tackle such unfortunate events by their strong determination which is backed by deep introspection and selection of positive thoughts over multitudes of negative ones. The thought pattern determines our reactions to critical situations. People who are happiest solely rely on their positive thoughts, they see every cloud with silver lining and that with hardships come ease. Optimism practiced by happiest people let them pass through all the test of times and they rise strong and inches taller after every fall.

The happiest people smile often and make friends quickly.

Smile is the language, universally acknowledged for its miraculous effects on its receiver. It is the gesture that invites others to open up for a conversation. The happiest people use it as a tool to mingle in a crowd and be noticed by everyone around them. They exude positive vibes, through the smiles they wear and with the use of their body language. Others are gravitated with this show of amiability and are readily drawn to make friends with the happiest people. The best thing about them is that they are genuinely interested in other people and give them due importance and undivided attention. They are so down to earth that they make friends with people of all ages effortlessly. They are liked and loved by everyone equally.

The happiest people follow their hearts and chase their dreams.

Science has proved that heart is similar to brain as it has same network of neurons, neurotransmitters and other cells. Heart is found to be an independent organ that can learn, remember, process and act. The decisions that are taken by involving heart never fail us. The happiest people always listen to their hearts, which knows nothing but optimism. Their hearts give them faith and hope to work towards their goals in life. They extract courage and unwavering will from their hearts to fulfill dreams and at the end of each day they find themselves at peace because no matter how slowly they are inching towards their goal, they are doing what is needed to be done and that keeps them moving.

The happiest people forgive, forget and move on.

Forgiving people who wronged you in any way doesn't mean you are weak rather it shows your character and resolution of letting go what hurt you, so that you no more hold on to that heart pricking memory. The happiest people are hasty in forgiving people because they want restoration of their peace of mind at earliest. They fabricate their minds in a way that they forget every troubling memory and the injuries inflicted. They let lose such thoughts and clutch on something constructive. They move on with their lives and never re-read chapters of the past. They hold no grudges in their hearts for anyone. Their hearts are pristine and infertile for the seeds of hatred and malice.

The happiest people give importance to everyone and everything.

Everyone craves for importance and they can go at any length to feed this need. The happiest people are those who realize this fact. They give rightful importance to everyone and receive the same in reciprocation. They appreciate others and everything they do. They are nice toward their families and friends. They attract more happiness by giving happiness away. The happiest people love and accept everything and everyone as they are and give due importance to whatever they come across in their lives no matter how insignificant it is in nature.

The happiest people live and let live.

A lot of people love to interfere in the lives of others. They judge people by their speech, conducts and actions. They like to change the thinking and behavior of others according to what they believe is appropriate. On the other hand, the happiest people advocate the freedom in every aspect. They reserve their opinions and comments to themselves and when they think that it is necessary to speak up, they express in such a way that everyone affirms and approves of them, as they maintain impartiality when presenting the facts. They think everyone has the right to live the way they want to live and same goes for them.

The happiest people are givers and helpers.

The best antidote for a poisonous heart and distressed mind is being of any use to other human beings. Givers and helpers don’t have a perfect life but their heart and minds are always filled with contentment and peace. The happiest people are those who help others with everything they have. They help and give people fortune, care, love and support. They believe, “a candle doesn't lose its light by lightning the other candle rather there will be more brightness” and that “a single flickering light is the end of long prevailing darkness”.

The happiest people indulge in leisure and recreation more often.

In this busy and stressful life it is mandatory for everyone to engage themselves in doing what they love, where they are alone with the thing which calm their nerves and bring their restless minds to rest. The happiest people are aware of the importance of leisure and recreation and so they take on activities such as some hobbies, meditation, praying, music, socializing and exercise, as the part of their daily lives. Such activities release positive hormone known as endorphin that ensures over all well-being of the person. The positive people allot “me time” in their daily schedule and enjoy in solitude what they love the most.

The happiest people are always grateful for the blessings they receive.

The root of all dissatisfaction is the inability to acknowledge the blessings one receives on daily basis. People who are thankful for everything they possess have satisfied souls. The happiest people are filled with gratitude; they thank Lord and people for everything they give, with utmost sincerity. The never compare themselves with others in status who are given more and always gracious towards those who are given less. They never complain about the sufferings and problems they face instead they appreciate the good things they receive which are abundant in numbers.