My Read Bookshelf!

Anum's bookshelf: read

Warrior of the Light
Me Before You
Then Came You
Beauty and the Billionaire
The Governess Affair
Think Like a Freak
The 5 Essential People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts
On the Plus Side
Yes, You Can!: 1,200 Inspiring Ideas for Work, Home, and Happiness
Reflections Of A Man
Get the Life You Want
The Firm
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
The Face
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

Anum's favorite books »

Monday, 11 June 2012

Your Silence...

Afresh hope of desire burns tonight,
My heart in your silence flight.

My constant tries to break the ice,
Your persistent refusal on the other side.

Then again I tried, Then again I failed,
Making all efforts, of no avail.

Your act of silence to keep distance,
Resolving to, not giving an instance.

My joy, pleasure, torture and despair,
Happy and sad days, make life fair.

Though to hear your voice again,
I lived a million moments in pain.

To be addressed one day, rises a hope,
Unites us both, strongly I hold that rope.

Rejoice in this silence is my reason for now,
My being in your submission forever bows.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

In My Reverie...

Every night in my retreat,
In memory of your first greet.

Ceaseless pleasure that I find,
Feeling, words can never define.

Short lively gazes, bright blooming smiles,
cover a distance of thousand miles.

Beautiful face, perfect voice,
looks that arrest, echoes that entice.

A story of long gone days,
continue to live in distinct ways.

Words unspoken, feelings concealed,
stays on lips and eyes, ready to reveal.

As time requires young birds to fly,
In collection of words you passed me by.

With constant appearance in my mind,
Sense of nearness leaves regrets behind.

Wide awake through the night,
Day dreaming on its height.

A deep longing in heart, rose to fight,
Barrier of distance, can't stop souls to unite.

Years of ages as they went,
In few moments a lifetime spent.

While imagination sets on fire,
need of your presence gets dire.

Though we shall never meet,
still for you my heart beats.

These brief meetings in my reverie,
Worth more than any treasury.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People - A Summary

Searching through the shelves, on a hunt for a new adventure, I got my hands laid on the book which previously had infused positivity in my life, altered my behavior and inspired to bring about changes that are appreciated by those surrounded me. A cover so familiar that I can with my eyes closed recall each and every detail, the same smiling face with determined gazes of a man who convinces with fine lineaments, deep creases around brows, wrinkled skin and gray streaked hair that he is in possession of a power that can change his reader’s life forever and the catchy title which no one can ignore makes this book hard to miss. A phenomenal work, a complete guideline on human relations, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” is a masterpiece written on a fact which is a prime interest of every human being. How to understand and get along with people, how to win them to your own way of thinking, how to leave good impressions on them, how to call their attention, how to gain their trust, how to earn reputation and more importantly how to make them do your job without tricking, coaxing and taking advantage of them are the main features of this book. These points may seem idealistic and childish to some, but if carried out as instructed are way realistic and practical.

Dale Carnegie has packed so much wisdom in the pages that although written decades ago it still relates to the modern days because the theme of the book is not about a particular organization or relevant for a particular class, it’s a book written for all, there is no limit of time or boundary of space as it encompasses people who irrespective of advancement in technology and growth, maintain similarities throughout ages. The insights and lessons, analogies and anecdotes are appropriately put which aids in comprehending the message more explicitly. The book is proven miraculous in reaping friendships, accomplishing one’s needs and wants, strengthening ties and reshaping one’s perspective of interaction with others and acquiring a peaceful and buoyant ambience; according to testimonials and enormous feedback.

This book is for those who advocate good and virtuous conduct like myself and condemn any selfish, mean course adopted when handling and dealing with masses. I would like to bring into knowledge of those who are interested in pursuing this quest with me that this voyage will worth your time and would be an exciting learning experience, and for those who are not on the same page, I implore them to stop here and gladly wage a bye.

This book is divided into six parts and I will summarize each part in the best way I can.

Part One: Fundamental points to be considered when dealing with people


It is a universally acknowledge truth that no one likes criticism be it positive or negative. It is lethal, a substantial source of arousing ill feelings, resentment and may incur an injury that left the one subjected to such exposures of ruthless words, offended to a degree to dislike, even loath and to worst extent inflict the same damage as revenge. When people themselves do something which brings them into the circle of criticism they stubbornly believe in the rightness of their doings and justify their actions with strong opposition and debate.

What makes criticism ineffective is that it puts people on their guard and makes them strive to justify their position. It is easy to complain, condemn and judge other person but it is hard to realize what cause them to take such measures and act in that particular way. We should not impose our ideas, judgments and beliefs on others. Try to analyze the situation from another person’s standpoint, understand why the person acted in that way and what would we do in similar circumstances. Criticism barely produces lasting results as it airs the spark of indignation, hurt people feelings, makes them feel less important and vex them to conduct inappropriately.

Man is more a creature of emotion than logic, when stimulated by criticism tends to nurture prejudice and malice and by praise and regard gets motivated. It is convenient to hold a grudge than to admit and correct the wrong done. Instead of finding faults, filing complaints and condemning others we should see from others viewpoint and search for solutions. Anybody can criticize, condemn and complain, but it takes a man of character to understand, tolerate, ignore and forgive and those who traverse this path raise their reliability and honor in everyone’s eyes. Treat people with greatness and so they may show theirs. If resentment stirs our life tomorrow why not we avoid it today, live and let live should be the order of the day.


Among all needs of a man the most unfulfilled one is the desire to be important, the desire to be great. If our forebears did not have the urge for a feeling of importance, civilization would have been impossible. Like other needs, people have different needs of importance and wanted to receive in the way they appreciate. However our feeling of importance determines our character and is the most significant thing about us.

Everyone craves for importance; we can feed what they want with appreciation and enjoy what they do for us in reciprocation. We can make anyone feel special by complimenting their attributes, mentioning slightest changes and praising a job done well. In return the person would be grateful and will be at our service.

When people do not get appreciated for their goodness and failed to acquire rightful attention, they go to extreme levels to demand their rights and usually become criminals, develop depression and go insane. Most people find the feeling of importance in insanity which has been rejected in reality. People should not be taken for granted, a worker should be appreciated and encouraged for services instead of being criticized for mistakes and introduced with motivation and incentives for better performance. A husband or wife should be recognized as a working partner doing good to a family by continuous cooperation and should be regarded high for their efforts.

Research has proven that people better perform under a spell of approval rather in a pressure of criticism. When you compliment someone they feel the importance of being noticed and you yourself earn respect and likeness in return. But the key is to compliment without flattery and insincerity, for shallow and selfish praise is easily detectable. The difference between appreciation and flattery is that former comes from heart and latter from mouth. When you want to praise someone even if you don’t want anything from them do it wholeheartedly. The words you utter would brighten someone’s day and reverberate everywhere in their lives.


If you want to master this one first omit the word I from your conversation. People are not interested in what you want; it is their own which triggers the urge to entertain a talk. Majority makes mistake with this one. When they want something from another person they put it in selfish terms by saying I want this to be done by this time, without giving forethought that people are only concerned about their wants what they get out of your proposal is their main interest. Let’s analyze an example if you sell your product to someone, you will go nowhere if you tell how great your company is or lauding your product, but by telling how good this product can be to them or what benefits they can drive from it, would make them buy it.

In order to get people do what you want them to do you have to think about what they want and the next thing to examine is how you can make them achieve their want that eventually benefits both the parties. If you want something out of someone do not abruptly put forth the proposition, arouse in them an eager want, convince what good lies in it for them and guide through the way to achieve it. When giving an idea which you wanted to be accepted by others first inject it in their minds and then persuade it’s theirs and see them happily work towards it.

If you place your want without taking into account others wants they will not take it into consideration, but if you put your proposal by luring their interest and talking in terms of what they are getting out of it they will not waste a minute to adopt it as their own. Highlight the profits, benefits and other goods coming out of something and see people doing it for mutual benefits.

Part Two: How to Make Others like You


The first and foremost way to make people like you is to be genuinely interested in them. You can make more friends in few months by taking sincere interest in their interests than by entertaining casual friendships over a span of few years. According to a study the most frequently used letter in English Language is the letter “I” and that is because people are mostly concerned with themselves and are in the least interested about what is happening in others life.

When talking to someone you will realize that many a times you are being cut, switched or directed towards the topic of their interest. Everyone wants to talk about themselves and till they think they are well received they will not stop. How it makes you feel when someone seems interested in your ideas or beliefs? It will make you like them more than others who show no interest. People who live their lives without showing much interest in other miss a lot by not gaining information and mostly because of not earning true friendships. A true friend is the one who is genuinely interested in what you say or do, give importance to you, listen to your problems and come up with solutions. One more thing which can be done to strengthen friendship is the remembrance of birthdays, anniversaries and important occasion in others life.

Another thing that would certainly make people divert their attention towards you is to greet them in good spirits, with vigor and enthusiasm. Invite them to share themselves with you. In order to gather more friendships you have to be ready for spending time, consuming your energy and have to be unselfish and thoughtful. 


A smile is a gesture of kindness, a gift to uplift mood, a ray which brightens day and an action that speaks louder than words. If you greet someone with a smile, it makes them feel that you are open to have a good conversation with them and they feel an obligation to return same gesture. Smile is a turner of unpleasant events into pleasant ones, a breaker of walls of reluctance, a foundation for further interactions and a creator of positive ambience in office or at home.

If you don’t smile often cultivate a habit by exercising a forced smile, another way to compel yourself to smile is by reminding yourself of a good joke, memory, song or saying. Happiness is an internal phenomenon, when you are happy internally, happiness naturally appears externally. Smile is a sign that manifest interest and a want to be friends. A smile is a prerequisite for long lasting friendships.


Name is the sweetest sound in language for anyone. A person likes his name more than all the other names in the world combined. Being able to call someone with their name is a subtle way of giving them importance while forgetting and misspelling it shows lack of concern and triggers offence. Some people have difficulty memorizing and recalling names which is merely because they don’t take the time or invest necessary concentration to fix and repeat those in their minds. Remembering people names is tantamount to giving importance, which arouse in them the feelings of being liked and adored by you. When we call someone by their first names they unconsciously put more of their attention in what we say.

It is quite visible that people give too much importance to their names that most people name their grand children and their businesses after them. The name is a unique thing associated with a person and a best tool to use for approaching a situation. Regardless of whom you are dealing with, the magic of remembering names make you win them over.


To be a good conversationalist you don’t need to have good communication skills, all you require is a listening ear and a keen mind. To make others like you, whether you know them for years or just met them is by allowing them to speak more about themselves, show ample interest in their subject, be an attentive listener, and initiate questions related to their talks. They will consider it as one of the highest compliments from you and think of you as a good conversationalist despite of the fact that you said nothing and only listened to what they were saying.

However, any pretence of listening can be noticed and would damage your reliability as a listener and could be misjudged as you are not interested in them, don’t find them interesting or disrespect them. One more thing that should be taken into serious account, people are more interested in their problems than they can ever be in your problems and that of the world. Any deviation from the topic may lose their interest and they may shrink from further conversation.

In order to become a good conversationalist be genuinely interested in others, hold your tongue and open your ears, listen to them with concentration, ask them questions they enjoy answering and so they may feel best in your company and regard you as their good friend.


The road to someone’s heart is the talk of things that person holds close. If you want to attract people’s attention approach them with something which is important or interesting according to them. Find out their interests and indulge them in the conversation which is piquant to their mind and which they love discussing and talking about.   

It feels amazing when a person shares same interests as yours, when there is a lot common and a lot to talk about. Say more about things which please them and they will enjoy talking to you for a very long time. By doing this you within a short period of time can develop good friendships and would become a person, who is inquired after and demanded by everyone.


The heading encompasses the feeling of importance in strangers and how it makes them like us. If you compliment a person who is a complete stranger to you about their smile hair, the way they dress or anything you notice which enhances their uniqueness or beautify their personality, they will take no time to like you and it would put them in a great mood for the rest of the day. But your compliment should be sincere you should mean what you say.

The life of so many persons could be changed if they get their due importance. An employee if given importance and esteemed as an asset to the company, will definitely treat all his customers with the same degree of importance for his company’s reputation. The same technique would do wonders when dealing with a spouse or a friend, talk about them and they will listen for hours, feel a sense of importance and admire and respect you for your generosity and tolerance.   


Saturday, 14 April 2012

Language of a Rose!

For centuries, flowers with their vibrant colors and aromatic scents played a prominent role in sending a message that often words failed to express. Nothing has beaten the power of flowers conveying deepest emotions in any situation. Flowers with their beautiful blossoms have by far taken top slot in revealing feelings.  A thousand words could be saved when a flower is handed at the right moment. Their fleeting presence leaves the everlasting impressions and their variety serves almost every occasion.  Every flower has its uniqueness but Rose with its timeless beauty and charm, grace and elegance, diversity in colors and pleasant fragrance secures number one spot and has been chosen as the best alternative of words to communicate strong sentiments. No flower is revered and celebrated like Rose as it is the only flower that comes with nuances to fit the need of display of emotions at specific moments.

Rose has a deep rooted history that stood against the test of time, was first flourished about 35 million years ago and the mention of its wide admiration is evident in literature, art, religion and war. Egyptians considered rose as a sacred flower and used it as offerings to their goddess Isis and had adorned towns with rose wreaths which later discovered with the mummies. In Greek mythology rose was associated with their goddess of beauty and love, an Aphrodite. They were the first who tagged this flower with the title King of Flowers.  They decorated the ceilings of conference rooms and invented the term Sub Rosa, which means under the rose, a connotation of secrecy and confidentiality; subsequently adopted by the secret societies. In Roman times roses were used to embellish tables, in decorating floors and strewing petals in hallways .They extracted essential oils from roses and preserved them as fragrances and derived drugs for medical purposes. They painted walls and floors with rose sketches and filled their baths and fountains with rose water and petals.  In Christian religion Virgin Mary is referred to as a Mystical Rose. During Renaissance roses appeared in portraits, illustrations, as ornaments or as architectural elements. Roses had been a part of Napoleonic Wars and were bred at a huge scale for patronage. Modern day literature, media, music and art is not devoid of influence of rose; no one ever appeared on the face of Earth, who didn't enthrall by its charm and exalt its beauty.

In addition to symbolic significance, meaning of color and number of roses serve special reasons. The rose on the sphere of color, ties a special message with its distinction. Each color carries a unique code from the sender to recipient, if decoded instantly increases the value of the gesture of gifting and deepens the colors of sentiments bound with it.  To know exactly what color brings along what message, one has to master the language of roses. Here is a comprehensive guide to colors and meanings of roses for better interpretation.


Love, Respect, Courage, Passion, Well Done, Congratulations

Words or pictures can never fully define the splendor of a red rose. It is selected to convey deepest desires of mind and longings of heart. The red color expresses the throbbing heat of love and a strong affection and thus becomes the symbol of true love and passion. A single red rose simply says I love you very deeply and promises of its endurance till end of days. In addition to beauty and passion, red rose also symbolizes courage; congratulates a job well done and appreciates efforts. Sometimes it denotes admiration and respect for its recipient while on other hand it can express sorrow and regret. An allure that is hard to resist, the red rose naturally becomes the first choice for sending strongest of messages.


Unconscious Beauty, Commitment, Rejuvenated Passion

Dark red rose symbolizes unconscious beauty and is a frequent reminder of depth of love and passion. It has an air of mystery which makes it more captivating and magnetic. When moving a relationship to a next level a deep dark red rose is worth the effort of expressing without words into play. Many people hard to find a way to express a long term commitment, for them this rose says it all. It intensifies their feelings and aids them to overcome all the barriers of communication. In the arrest of confusion and fears of proposing someone after long courtship this rose when produced at the time of disclosure attracts only yeses. Moreover, it preserves flickering light of passion from completely dying off and rejuvenates older bonds with its presence and declaration of the love that never dies. Its profound quality never let down the expectations of its sender and has a promising impact on its recipient.


 Purity, Secrecy, Innocence, Reverence, Humility, Worthiness, Sympathy, Spirituality

The white color is always related to purity, sincerity, virtue and chastity and so are these represented by the graceful white beauty of the white rose. Where someone wants to justify the purity of their sentiments, the genuineness of their intentions and worthiness of their presence, white rose is the right pick. It speaks about an innocent love, unaware of the desires of flesh and is merely concerned about fortifying the soul.  Unlike passionate red blooded rose, a white one glorifies love by linking sustainability through reverence, humility and unwavering loyalty and for the same reason a white rose has been a traditional wedding flower. A bride carrying white rose seeks to assure her loved one her chastity and innocence in whispers of a silent message, I am worthy of you. Its association with honor and reverence makes it a fitting memorial for the departed loved one. The meanings of this beautiful rose are as lovely as the flower itself.


Appreciation, Gratitude, Grace, Admiration, Joy, Gentleness, Femininity

From subtle hint of color to dark deep pink this flower blooms to flaunt grace and gentility. Its delicate aura makes it a flower of bridal arrangements and refined shades promote it for the selection in thank you and congratulation bouquets. A light shade of pink is also taken as an expression of sympathy. Being an incomparable indicator of joy and admiration a dark pink rose is sent to announce appreciation, to acknowledge pleasure and comfort in anyone’s company.   Pink rose is a package of sweet thoughts and gentle emotions, which packs within its blossom an invitation of deep affection and admiration that has not reached its prime. Where there are no overtones of love and just when expression of gratitude and extreme joy is mere message to convey it’s a call for dark pink rose.


Friendship, Gladness, Delight, A New Beginning, Get well, Welcome back, Remember me, Jealousy

Throughout history yellow rose has been closely associated with the sun which makes it most suitable for cheering people up, communicating sunny feelings of joy warmth and welcome. It doesn’t carry undertone of romance and hence symbolizes platonic love. In Victorian times, yellow rose was given as a token of jealousy but today it represents friendship joy and caring. The foremost meaning of this rose is friendship and I care. Being congratulatory in tone it is given to newlyweds, new mothers, graduates, in celebrating a new beginning, a recovery from a disease or injury and lauding an achievement or fulfillment of someone’s dreams. This rose convinces of the relationship free from attachments but yet sincere, genuine and profound in quality. It also indicates a determination to begin anew, let us bury the hatchet, let us start a fresh page are constant urges of this special rose. In a dying love yellow rose is sent as a word of caution. In bidding byes, welcomes and good luck for future this rose plays a role of a friend who smiles with the warmest of feelings lies in its core.


Desire, Enthusiasm, Pride

An orange rose carries fiery blooms in its heart, and is therefore indicative of burning heat of desire. With breathtaking beauty and blazing color it expresses an equally brilliant and intense desire for the loved one. One meaning of orange rose is fascination; when you are awe struck and captivated by someone’s charm send them an orange rose. In another form orange rose depicts enthusiasm and energy which celebrates new ventures undertook.  When we honor ourselves to be associated with someone who makes us feel proud and we believe they deserve applause for that, the right flower to hand over is orange rose which affirms the belief how I keep my pride in you. Like the orange shades of a setting sun this rose conveys similar tone of powerful emotions.


Appreciation, Sincerity, Gratitude, Modesty, Closing a Deal, Let’s party

Peach rose with it soft vibes and pleasing color often send as a gesture of appreciation or gratitude and on occasions where a slight show of sympathy is required this rose comes into action. The subtle gorgeous bloom is good for expressing thanks and how much a dear friend is missed. Besides its gentleness of conveying feelings of gratitude and pleasure, delicate emotions of constraint or reserve and a shy away modesty are well denoted by this rose. A peach rose on closing of an accord represents harmony, peace and bliss. In need to show earnestness of gesture and honesty of expressions this rose stirs air with a proof of sincerity. The clarity of color and dainty of beauty delivers genuine warmth and sincere thoughts without a tinge of love and this feature makes this extraordinarily beautiful rose a part of celebrations of social gatherings and friendly get together.


Enchantment, Love at First Sight, Royalty

 Nothing compares to smooth, flagrant and oriental beauty of purple rose showering extravagantly the shades of light from lighter to deeper tone into the eyes of beholder, the property which takes this flower to the tables all set for romantic experiences. Exotic and striking soft and gentle touches of this rose hardly miss an opportunity to convey a message of dignity and pride. The Lavender rose is an indicator of enchantment and lost in love since the first glance. Dark shades of purple rose which are synthetically produced pays tribute to man’s imagination and magical experiences. It also says about majesty, grace and grandeur.  Thus the spectrum of purple radiates royalty and is the best choice in the show of one’s highness of character.


Unattainable, Impossible

This rose is not a part of nature however is available as variation of purple and lavender, which emits blue color in certain light.  The quest of man in attaining a perfect blue rose continues. Like its mysterious existence a blue rose expresses enigma, ambiguity and complexity. A person bearing such qualities is the sole recipient of this rare flower. As the notion of absolute blue rose the flower itself symbolizes something that is not within the reach or in a more grave sense of word is unattainable or considered impossible to achieve. It embodies the desire to achieve unachievable, compares to a love that is unrequited and therefore says I can’t have you but I can’t stop thinking about you.


Death, Farewell

This rose does not exist in pure black form, only few shades of dark red are perceived as black. Meanings which are bind with black color are of tragedy and loss and thus this rose with its gloomy aura expresses a deep mourning over a death of loved one and sadness of paying farewell to someone whom chances of returning are thin. On some occasions a black rose indicates a change, as in giving up an old habit and order. Giving someone a black rose could also mean an end of a relation, idea and agreement.

 Some combinations of aforementioned roses can be made to deliver a bouquet of sentiments. A bouquet of red and white roses in equal balance symbolizes unity.  A mix of red and yellow conveys gaiety and happiness. A bunch of rosebuds represents innocence. A thorn less rose says love at first sight and a single rose of any color shows utmost devotion. And if one is not sure of one’s feelings they can choose every color of rose and make a bouquet out of it to send a note that says I don’t know what my feelings are but I am sure I do like you enough to treasure your presence with roses.

From declaration of love, joy in weddings, condolences at funerals, love in anniversaries, best wishes on birthdays, congratulations on promotion, celebrations of friendships, souvenirs of apology, expressions of gratitude, adornments of office desks, event decorations, candlelight dinners, in greeting someone, to no special reason; there is always a rose that carries the right message for the right occasion. It’s time to use nature for nature, a rose to uplift the mood, expressing timely feelings, making someone’s day and creating ever cherished memories is a gift of a lifetime to someone really special.

"A Rose adds value to your present and the sentiments involved, let the rose speak for you and so you will be heard forever..." 

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Where Two Blues Meet…

Sitting on a rock, observing the splendid panorama stretched wide in front of me, I got so much lost that uneasiness caused by the uneven rock was not accounted for once. I lost the track of time and dived in the mysterious beauty to unravel and devour every piece presented. A view so captivating that I stood alone in my moments of seclusion, ignorant of the life and activity that surrounded me. It was the first time that I found myself surrendering my person in exalting such a magnificent sight, a beauty bewitching to a degree to hold glance forever and the more I gazed in wonder the less it was to say that I was falling in an unending pit of admiration. I had been there many a times but didn’t open my eyes to give it a thoughtful look to know exactly what I had been missing out. I devoid myself from such an amazing experience! More I thought about it more I had to regret.

The splendor of the view I was witnessing was unfathomable; it had the richness and detailed distribution of colors as if every speck of it was made with utmost care and concentration, a beauty of its kind work of divine, a masterpiece by none other than the Greatest Creator of all, an adornment for Earth and a blessing for its residents. Yes! I was beholding water, blue and huge, magnetic in its pull, soothing for eyes and mesmerizing enough to engage mind. It was soon that I left my harbor and ventured on a journey of exploration from a close distance. As soon as a gentle wave caressed my feet, an electric impulse travelled up to the brain, triggered the emotions of love and joy that alleviated the sufferings and uplifted the mood like I was rained over by a cloud of peace and with my eyes closed I drenched myself until my soul was penetrated by solace.  The melodious waves had a different story to tell, whispered in my ears about epic tales and undiscovered mysteries, for no one knows what lies in the depth and how much it can hide and hold, while the wind played with my hair. Together they made my heart moved and soul sat on fire. I was completely absorbed in the playful act of waves and wind, and I stayed in that position till I had my fill.  The Sun round and bright, hung at zenith illuminated the waters beneath, the surface was appearing as a mirage of a silver dust skimmed over; caught my attention afterwards. The sky was clear as it should be on a midsummer day, giving an impression of a large blue curtain drawn over a blue floor. Far away at my sight’s limit I was clueless to distinguish between the two. It was a place where two blues meets, the Horizon.

For hours I stood there and observed the horizon whereas soft currents were cuddling, air invigorating and everything was contributing to overhaul my mind, body and soul. It was then some foreign thoughts visited me associated with this place, which I had read or heard. From literature to science, sea is covered and discussed at length. Among those I contradicted with the negatives as I am of the opinion that ,"The sea is a source of inspiration for those who are in distress, the waves send a message of constantly trying in unison to achieve a goal, the wind says not to underestimate one's power to change the direction of the sail at any point in the journey of life, the water as a symbol of purity persuades that a positive good life is a product of pure mind and soul, and the horizon conveys that as long as one can imagine there is no limit whatsoever."

The sky was turning into shades of red orange and yellow, the glorious sun was sinking into horizon. I witnessed a beautiful sunset, one that I had never seen in pictures and movies. It was the time when I had to say bye to that amazing scenery. With love in my heart and treasured memories in the gallery of my mind, I departed with these lines on my lips:

"O sea O sea! I love thee,
In thy beauty, I find glee.
In thy thought, troubles flee,
In thy arms, I seek lee.
Here I leave, with a vow,
Of making each visit, like now."

Friday, 30 March 2012

A Dangerous Inclination of Poking Nose…

If Aliens as scientists think they exist would ever by chance pay a visit to our planet, they would definitely keep it as short as possible, count days to their departure and pledge to never return again. Mind you, our Earth is beautiful and has a huge chest to accommodate anyone but the life form settled here a long time ago has some serious problems that even regarded as Homo sapiens, sometimes negate the rudimentary definition of being wise. Human beings are curious and nosy instinctively; born with this defect their overindulgence and intrusive disposition at times do much harm instead infusion of good in the life of the creature they are deeply in concern with. Their unwanted attention and eagerness to help vex the other party and worsen the situation more.

A lot of people don’t have enough capacity to tolerate such interference and at some point get frustrated and do something that is not within the boundaries of decency. Some people really mind their own business while there is a cluster that finds it fun to meddle in the life of others. Is it the feeling of importance that compels them to have a say in the matters of others or it’s just a juicy gossip for which it’s done or for the claim to know it first or for the sake of rumor circulation and entertaining circles to get the lead of the show, or for faking sympathy and show off a pseudo concern to the world, at any rate the motive behind is shrouded in mystery. It is noticeable when the worry is genuine but with a pretty face and sugar coated words the intentions are barely to deceive someone and detected right away at the moment of initiation.

We don’t realize how much pain it would cause to the other person and how bad one feels after being pointed out and confronted with the miseries or weaknesses that are beyond one’s control to fix or change. It’s not the script of some spicy soap airing on Television, its real life where it hurts when hit.
Any attempt of breaching someone’s privacy is an act of violation, could be judged as a potential threat and instigate prompt reaction. Often I have been a subject of questions that left me upset, shocked and irritated. The anxiousness of some people leaves me in wonder, who dares to demand such answers without taking privacy into account.  To my utter disappointment, I have my fair share of such encounters. It’s like every day that I experience a new drama on my table, dished out in a decorative way, hard to swallow and digest. A countless number of times I have been inquired about my prolonged stay at home and closing doors to work. And before I could gather thoughts to do justice with the question put forward, I am hurled at with another one of asking how I manage to stick long at home and not getting bored at the same time, and soon afterwards a storm, with unsolicited words directs towards me, of reconsidering this decision, of wasted my time, money and education, of blaming me for taking away someone’s place and comparing me with a guy who in my place would have conquered the world. The next stream of interrogation flows in when my single status comes under spotlight. In typical society, where I have been raised, every girl is born to get tied, since her childhood every penny is saved in paying for the dowry and throughout adolescence is fed with the garbage of tying knot as if it is the sole purpose of her existence, dreaded by the factor of age, appropriate suitors and sometimes under external pressure she is forced to sign such a bond, in a place like this it is deemed not less than a crime to be of 26 years and single. The punishment is to torture with troubling statements time and again, are you getting married, when you are about to take marriage seriously, It’s already too late and bunch of others followed by a series of unrequested advises.

 It’s out of comprehension when one is blessed in so many ways; indulge into affairs of prying, passing judgements and envying others. What’s easy to get for some is even hard to imagine for others but that makes life fair. We all have our equal share of ups and down, pleasure and pain, good and bad days. We don’t know what’s in store for us and when the tables turn? Then what is the bargain in criticizing and judging people if we stand on the same ground, share the same air, eat and excrete and entirely unaware of what future beholds. We have a common denominator of blessings received each day, differently and with an exception of timings, and yet man by nature is unthankful and greedy, compares and complains about whatever petty that lacks in his life. I am articulating my mind because I am bestowed with the power of sewing my thoughts into words and you with the courtesy of your vision and understanding of your brain are reading it with fluency. I and you are blessed but again in different arenas. There are so many things to be grateful for but why we keep pinpointing the one that is missing?
 So we need to see through this fact that we should let others live the way they want to, if we ourselves want to enjoy freedom…

I’ll end on this note…
"If God even judges a man at the end of his days how can you and I judge him during his days?" 

Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Leisure’s Pleasure...

“Leisure, a function of eternal ecstasy, a precious commodity…”

A time spent in doing something you love to do, is never lost, wasted and regretted, be it work or leisure. But the most perfect time investment is when, you love what you do and do what you love harmonize, when you feel delight in toil and find comfort in pain, a point where all ever wanted is achieved, a space inside is filled with bounty of joy, when canvas of life is painted with colors of choice, a purpose is perceived and the being is celebrated, such is the beauty of leisure.  You can love your work, but it’s always tiresome and boring to stick to a routine, to do a same job repeatedly, to meet with deadlines, to stress nerves with projects and progress. Although it’s where the energy lies that shakes you up vigorously, thoroughly, fulfills your carnal needs, but there are some desires, mysterious in peculiar ways yet sublime in bliss, reside somewhere in lanes of sub-consciousness. Sometimes realized and intentionally buried while on the other, doubted and ignored, eventually need to be attended and admitted, for the sake of sanity and serenity.

Work being a form of affection and satisfaction cannot alone do much good to anyone.  Despite being enjoyed, it has limitations of time, money and age. Talking in terms of age, you cannot work in the same place life long, neither your wants could meet with the monetary situation you are in nor the working hours could ever be enough for mental gratification and physical well-being. Even if you are still managing and getting fine along with it but your situation would better be sufficed by a word “workaholic” or on a much greater extent word “machine” would define you better. Consequently, you would get tired of running in an unending marathon of this robotic life with monotony at its peak, of waking up each day and performing the same ritual, where nerves are on the verge of dying from overwork and physical condition declining. Here comes the point, precisely the state when you shout at the top of your lungs that you need a break. Desperate to unleash, the inner person inside you, who longed for long to squander time in pursuing the aspirations of heart and mind, wants nothing but a recess from routine, to venture on a journey of self-contentment.

Once the reins are given in the hands of leisure, a getaway for rendezvous with long lasting elation becomes reality. It’s a cul-de-sac, realized right on the instant you step in, an obsession powerful than any addiction and a pursuit of exploring new panoramas of knowledge and learning blended with consistency and delight. The word leisure encompasses activities done for venting stress and drawing peace, which may include: reading, writing, cooking, painting, sports of any sort, pets, traveling, photography and gardening as highlighted and most common entries and the selection is entirely at the disposal of one’s choice.  Regardless of its kind, a recreation benefits an individual in innumerable ways; it helps managing stress by draining negative energies and contributes to relaxation, boost the self-esteem by refining social standing and recognition, inspires and motivates a sense of purpose and responsibilities towards life and society, strengthen social ties and interactions, provokes self-discovery, evaluation and development of positive outlook, learning and education through experiments, if adopted as a business braces financial status, provides better quality of life and alteration of perspective and exceptionally improves generalized health.

Leisure is as essential as any other necessity of life, a personal space and retreat for a troubled soul. In a fast paced and challenging world, where people lose track of their lives, leisure is the beacon that guides through the way. It is a benediction that presents itself in the garb of opportunity, and if grabbed at once drastically changes the life’s style for ever.