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Warrior of the Light
Me Before You
Then Came You
Beauty and the Billionaire
The Governess Affair
Think Like a Freak
The 5 Essential People Skills: How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts
On the Plus Side
Yes, You Can!: 1,200 Inspiring Ideas for Work, Home, and Happiness
Reflections Of A Man
Get the Life You Want
The Firm
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man
The 4-Hour Body: An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman
The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are
The Face
The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science

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Thursday, 5 April 2012

Where Two Blues Meet…

Sitting on a rock, observing the splendid panorama stretched wide in front of me, I got so much lost that uneasiness caused by the uneven rock was not accounted for once. I lost the track of time and dived in the mysterious beauty to unravel and devour every piece presented. A view so captivating that I stood alone in my moments of seclusion, ignorant of the life and activity that surrounded me. It was the first time that I found myself surrendering my person in exalting such a magnificent sight, a beauty bewitching to a degree to hold glance forever and the more I gazed in wonder the less it was to say that I was falling in an unending pit of admiration. I had been there many a times but didn’t open my eyes to give it a thoughtful look to know exactly what I had been missing out. I devoid myself from such an amazing experience! More I thought about it more I had to regret.

The splendor of the view I was witnessing was unfathomable; it had the richness and detailed distribution of colors as if every speck of it was made with utmost care and concentration, a beauty of its kind work of divine, a masterpiece by none other than the Greatest Creator of all, an adornment for Earth and a blessing for its residents. Yes! I was beholding water, blue and huge, magnetic in its pull, soothing for eyes and mesmerizing enough to engage mind. It was soon that I left my harbor and ventured on a journey of exploration from a close distance. As soon as a gentle wave caressed my feet, an electric impulse travelled up to the brain, triggered the emotions of love and joy that alleviated the sufferings and uplifted the mood like I was rained over by a cloud of peace and with my eyes closed I drenched myself until my soul was penetrated by solace.  The melodious waves had a different story to tell, whispered in my ears about epic tales and undiscovered mysteries, for no one knows what lies in the depth and how much it can hide and hold, while the wind played with my hair. Together they made my heart moved and soul sat on fire. I was completely absorbed in the playful act of waves and wind, and I stayed in that position till I had my fill.  The Sun round and bright, hung at zenith illuminated the waters beneath, the surface was appearing as a mirage of a silver dust skimmed over; caught my attention afterwards. The sky was clear as it should be on a midsummer day, giving an impression of a large blue curtain drawn over a blue floor. Far away at my sight’s limit I was clueless to distinguish between the two. It was a place where two blues meets, the Horizon.

For hours I stood there and observed the horizon whereas soft currents were cuddling, air invigorating and everything was contributing to overhaul my mind, body and soul. It was then some foreign thoughts visited me associated with this place, which I had read or heard. From literature to science, sea is covered and discussed at length. Among those I contradicted with the negatives as I am of the opinion that ,"The sea is a source of inspiration for those who are in distress, the waves send a message of constantly trying in unison to achieve a goal, the wind says not to underestimate one's power to change the direction of the sail at any point in the journey of life, the water as a symbol of purity persuades that a positive good life is a product of pure mind and soul, and the horizon conveys that as long as one can imagine there is no limit whatsoever."

The sky was turning into shades of red orange and yellow, the glorious sun was sinking into horizon. I witnessed a beautiful sunset, one that I had never seen in pictures and movies. It was the time when I had to say bye to that amazing scenery. With love in my heart and treasured memories in the gallery of my mind, I departed with these lines on my lips:

"O sea O sea! I love thee,
In thy beauty, I find glee.
In thy thought, troubles flee,
In thy arms, I seek lee.
Here I leave, with a vow,
Of making each visit, like now."

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